Scientific Scope
Complex media have fascinating transport properties. They constitute a challenge in present science since recently discovered light-matter bound states may for the first time be computed using modern hardware as well as novel theoretical methods and numerics. Hence quantitative research moves more and more into our focus, the quantum- as well as the ultrafast non-equilibrium regime become accessible, and theoreticians and experimentalists can work hand in hand.
This conference focuses on most recent progress in quantum electrodynamics and strong quantum correlations with implications to light-matter interaction and switchable materials, photonic and magneto-opto-electronic devices. Cavity effects and cavity polaritons as well as topologically induced bandstructures in complex solids are discussed in theory and experiment specifically with respect to their relevant timescales.
Prospected Auditorium
This workshop appeals to students, early carreer scientists and experienced researchers in the field of light matter interaction and photonics - experimentalists as well as theoreticians. We are indepted to bring together an international auditorium in order to enhance the discussion across the disciplines and the stages of experience. Our list of invited speakers is chosen such that a highest possible number of active research fields can be addressed in our sessions which are accompanied by posters as well as oral contributions of participants. Each participant is highly encouraged to contribute with his/her own submission.
Europhysics Conference PPNEC - Sponsors
We are very grateful to several sponsors who are kindly supporting this event.
For information on sponsoring please get into contact by email to: ppnecadm (at)